Loans and the Unemployed

In our age and time, taking a loan is a reasonable way to reach your goals with a lender's help. If your steady income is enough to qualify for a loan, getting the money you need at once makes sense. For instance, if you commute to work, resorting to lenders to buy a car, then repay the debt in monthly payments is a smart choice. Chances are you already pay almost as much as a personal loan plus interest would cost you on the vehicle. With a decent credit score and a reliable job, what could go wrong? Nobody is fully protected against unemployment. What do you do if you lose your job one day, running out of cash, and are stuck with some personal loans? And more importantly, how realistic is it to apply for one more loan?

Credit scores play a crucial role when one intends to borrow money. Keeping a good score helps qualify as eligible for future loans. When a borrower misses their monthly payment three times, they get reported to credit bureaus. If we're talking about a federal loan, not paying it for the equivalent of three months or 90 days qualifies the loan as delinquent. Additional fees apply for delays, depending on whether they are secured loans, unsecured loans, or payday loans. Regardless of the details, notifying your lender is mandatory.

Getting a loan approval for cash advances is relatively easy. While they take your employment income into account, you could qualify with unemployment benefits or income from other financial assistance programs. It is, after all, an emergency loan, which borrowers use to pay the bills or cover a monthly installment on a bigger loan. If you were wondering whether you can take a loan while being unemployed, the answer is yes, provided that your income is enough to cover your living expenses and debt.

For both secured and unsecured loans, you could reach into your savings account to repay them. Renegotiating with your lender is another thing you can do. For federal loans, you could qualify for a financial relief program or debt forgiveness. When you lose your job due to circumstances beyond your control, lenders will suggest how to proceed. Hiding your job loss can lead to unpleasant consequences.